Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"The Last Time"

The last time I posted a blog entry was August 28, 2009, and it was, I think, 3 days before Butterscotch died...

Butterscotch was our family dog, and she had been with us for eight wonderful years. She died last September 1. I wasn't able to write about her death because I was overwhelmed with grief and at the same time I was busy with school stuff because it was during our Midterm exams week when it happened. We were not really sure what caused her death but I suspect that she accidentally ingested rat poison.


Losing Butterscotch deeply affected our family. My dad and my older brother even cried. We really had to get use of her absence in our lives. And it's good that we already have move on. But we can't help missing her so much especially during family gatherings, just like last Christmas, since it was the first Christmas without her.

Butterscotch isn't "just" a pet to us, she is actually a very important member of our family. Nobody and no other dog can ever replace her.

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