Outside, in the snow, Rorschach comes across a copy of Jon standing in the snow...
Rorschach: Out of my way. People have to be told.
Jon Osterman: You know I can't let you do that.
Rorschach: Suddenly you discover humanity. Convenient.
(Takes off his mask)Rorschach: If you'd cared from the start, none of this would've happened.
Jon Osterman: I can change almost anything... but I can't change human nature.
Rorschach: Of course, you must protect Veidt's new Utopia. What's one more body amongst foundations? Well, what are you waiting for? Do it...
(Jon hesitates)Rorschach: DO IT!
(Jon makes Rorschach explode into a pile of blood)Dan Dreiberg: NOOOOOOOO!
There's an upcoming event for our class that is, sad to say, disagreeable and non-negotiable... And because of that, I feel like I'm Rorschach of the comic book/movie "Watchmen"...